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WOW Your Team: The Ultimate Guide to Holiday Gifts for Employees

Cadeaux des fêtes : préparez-vous à offrir l’effet WOW à vos employés

Ah, the magic of the holiday season... That time when we come together, give thanks, and every small gesture counts. For companies, it’s also the perfect opportunity to do something extraordinary for their employees.

And what better way to show appreciation than with a carefully chosen gift that highlights their exceptional work throughout the year? With Shop moi ça, forget the ordinary! We focus on local, exciting, and personalized gifts that are sure to create that WOW effect!

Here’s everything you need to know to delight your teams and score major points in employee recognition this year. In collaboration with Annie Breton of Altrum.

A meaningful gesture: Corporate gifts to motivate and engage

A gift is much more than just an object. It’s a way to say to your employees, "Thank you, we appreciate you!" 57% of employees consider receiving a gift from their employer as a direct sign of recognition. That’s a lot. By giving a thoughtful gift, not only do you make them happy, but you also remind them that they are at the heart of your company.

Annie Breton from Altrum demonstrates that the impact is real: 78% of employees feel more motivated after receiving a meaningful gift. In other words, your holiday gestures don’t end up lost in drawers. They boost engagement and help build a positive company culture where everyone feels valued. Whether it’s a team-sharing gift or a personalized present, each gesture contributes to creating a positive atmosphere, even after the festivities are over.

When should you start planning? Spoiler: Not at the last minute!

At Shop moi ça, we know the key to success is organization! To avoid last-minute headaches, it’s best to start thinking about your holiday gifts as early as summer. Not only does this give you access to a wider selection of products, but it also ensures that each gift box is personalized and delivered on time.

Lissa, our corporate gift expert, recommends gathering your team before the summer break (or by September) to discuss budget and gift ideas. If you have specific preferences, now is the time to place your orders to ensure the availability of the local and personalized products your employees love. By planning ahead, you also avoid unpleasant surprises and ensure everything is perfect for the big day.

Why ordering early makes all the difference?

Planning ahead ensures that your gifts will have the WOW effect you’re aiming for. Here are some benefits of early preparation:

  • Almost unlimited choice: More time to explore unique options tailored to your team’s tastes.
  • Perfect personalization: When you start early, you have the luxury of customizing every detail of your gifts.
  • No delivery stress: Everything will be ready on time to create a beautiful surprise, without last-minute hassles.

The budget: How much should you plan to wow your teams?

We get it, budget can be a sensitive topic, but don’t worry! Altrum recommends dedicating about 1% of your annual payroll to employee recognition, including holiday gifts. According to a study by Tremendous, a budget of $50 to $100 per employee is generally a good starting point for creating a meaningful impact. But remember: it’s not the amount that matters most, it’s the thought behind the gesture, the personalization, and how the gift is given.

Gift trends for 2024 according to Shop moi ça’s curators

The 2024 holiday season promises gifts that stand out, combining innovation, warmth, and personalization. This year, we’re focusing on thoughtful touches that make an impact while staying true to values of ethics, local products, and experiences:

  • Experience gifts: Why not offer a memory-making experience, like a box for a movie night at home or a Family Brunch box. Imagine a relaxation gift box paired with Disconnection Day at Strom Spa.
  • Monochrome: A subtle way to reflect your company’s branding is by selecting items in your brand’s colors to create a monochrome look. These boxes make a subtle yet powerful statement and are more appealing than typical branded swag.
  • Gifts to share: Nothing beats gifts that bring people together! Whether shared with family or colleagues, these presents create moments of togetherness that strengthen bonds, even in the age of remote work.
  • Interactivity: Take your gifts to the next level by adding an interactive activity like an online Escape Challenge. Challenge your remote employees to interact with each other or on social media. Shop moi ça also offers the option to add a video message from the leadership team to create a connection with employees when gifting remotely… or for a real estate agent to their clients.
  • Local and artisanal products: Shine with gifts that support Canadian artisans! Offer unique and high-quality products that align perfectly with your company’s values. There’s nothing like it to reinforce your commitment to supporting local businesses. With Shop moi ça, you have access to a wide range of locally-made products by passionate artisans.
  • Industry-specific gifts: Personalize your gifts to suit your industry! Whether you’re in tech, healthcare, or retail, choose gifts that are tailored for even more relevant and impactful results.
  • Aligned with your values: Choose gifts that reflect your company’s mission. At Shop moi ça, we can even customize the boxes to align perfectly with your brand image.

How to choose THE perfect gift?

Choosing the ideal gift can feel overwhelming, but don’t worry! Here are a few tips to help you make the right choice:

  • Personalize the experience: Add a personal touch to your gifts with a message or a curated music playlist to create a strong, direct connection with your employees.
  • Cultural and generational considerations: Tailor the gifts to respect the diverse cultures and beliefs of your employees. Offer gifts that match the preferences of different generations (Baby Boomers, Gen X, Y, Z). And don’t forget to focus on inclusivity (non-gendered).
  • Let them choose: Offering a selection of gifts allows everyone to find something that truly makes them happy.
  • Go local: With Shop moi ça, you’re sure to find products that align with your values while supporting the local economy.

The delivery moment matters just as much as the gift

The gift itself is one thing, but the way you present it is just as important! Whether you’re hosting an in-person or virtual event, the gift presentation should be a memorable moment. Why not encourage your teams to share their gifts on social media to create a viral effect? And after the holidays, take the time to conduct a short appreciation survey to see what really made an impact!

And after the holidays? Recognition must go on!

The holidays are just one of many occasions to show your employees how much they matter. Remember that a culture of recognition is built year-round. Consider celebrating milestones, such as work anniversaries, retirements, or the arrival of new employees. At Shop moi ça, we help you plan gifts for all the important occasions. We can even automate the sending of your recurring gifts.

TLDR: plan early, make them happy, and create unforgettable memories!

It’s the perfect time to tell your employees, “You’re important, and we care about you!” By planning ahead and opting for meaningful gifts, you’re going far beyond the gesture. You’re creating a moment of genuine recognition that will strengthen your company culture and leave a lasting impression on your teams. At Shop moi ça, our mission is to make every moment magical and unforgettable, one gift at a time.

So, are you ready to wow and delight your teams this year? We sure are!


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