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Self-care - 20 recommendations for taking care of yourself

Self-care - 20 recommandations pour prendre soin de soi

Listening to our bodies and our needs while giving our minds a break is the ultimate goal of well-being, right?! And, boy, can it be hard to put into practice in our fast-paced, 100-mile-an-hour world. If we only listened to our bodies, we'd always be taking a nap, right?! I'm joking... but... it's true that it's important to take time for yourself... and to take naps!

In this blog post, we present 20 self-care suggestions for taking care of yourself every day.

Activities to disconnect:

  1. Walking, cycling, running - in short, endorphin-boosting sports activities - there's nothing like it. Plus, it lets you clear your head or be alone with your thoughts.
  2. Get some sun... Take a walk outside during the day and feel the sun - it warms your heart and washes the stress away!
  3. Reading a book lets you get away from it all and take a moment just for you. It's time to jump on the pile of books you've accumulated for “when I've got the time”. NOW is the time!
  4. Dolling yourself up, taking the time to make yourself look good, to feel good about yourself and take a moment to contemplate yourself, to appreciate your smile lines. Doing your hair, putting on nail polish, a little lip balm and a coat of mascara feels good once in a while!
  5. Relax in the bath: what could be better than letting your mind and body soak in the foam and release tension? Don't forget to accompany the moment with a little spa music. You can listen to our wellness playlist.

Playlist Spotify Bien-être - Shop moi ça

It can also be washing the floor, gardening or decluttering a room... (It's good for me)... we're all different. The important thing is to take a moment to unplug and ask yourself: What would make me feel better mentally today?


  1. Light a candle and take the time to appreciate its fragrance
  2. Relax with a lavender mask
  3. Shower with an eucalyptus pebble or fresh eucalyptus bouquet
  4. Spray a little ambience vaporizer around the house
  5. Turn on your essential oil diffuser and take a deep breath

Pause self-care - Masque lavande Ammathérapie


  1. Make a good cup of coffee! Why not take the opportunity to make a special coffee... add caramel or whipped cream, or even an iced coffee (with a touch of Baileys).
  2. Enjoy a cup of tea, savour it and discover new flavours. A hot drink feels good instantly.
  3. Eat fresh, oh yes! It's gardening time, and there's nothing fresher and more invigorating than picking your own vegetables or herbs and cooking them!
  4. Make a dish you love... even if it's not healthy! There's nothing better than cooking your favorite dish from A to Z, with good music and a big glass of wine, and no time restrictions!
  5. Make dishes to offer at work, to the neighbor or to your super-Mom friend... my favorite: make a nice loaf of banana bread (who doesn't love banana bread?). It'll even be therapeutic for the boyfriend who never understands why the freezer is overflowing with frozen brown bananas!

After all, feeding your body is feeding your mind!

Free our minds and focus on the positive

The way we think and the way we nourish our minds greatly determine our state of well-being. Putting aside our stressors and focusing on things that stimulate our mind helps us stay mentally healthy. Personally, here are my daily tips:

  1. Putting my phone on pause, taking care of my surroundings for a moment and focusing on the present moment.
  2. Celebrate my small successes, that's a YES! You don't need to win a prize to congratulate yourself... you did 3 loads of laundry today and you're happy you managed to do it without the last load being left at the bottom of the washer... Congratulations, you deserve a glass of wine (any reason is good for a glass of wine)!
  3. Writing in a notebook and putting my thoughts and ideas on paper frees my mind! It's a great way to manage our stress and anxiety, and clean up our mental clutter.
  4. Unsubscribe from certain newsletters that fill up my inbox unnecessarily. It's so liberating and can even help us manage our compulsive shopping impulses!
  5. Talk to a friend on the phone! Taking my cell phone and chatting about anything and everything like when we were 16, to blow off steam, decompress or gossip! Socializing is good for you, and there's nothing better than talking to a human being face-to-face!

Self-care isn't a luxury, so we hope our little tips can give you some ideas for taking daily breaks! 


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